
北京市海淀区旅游职业学校是一所以旅游服务与饭店管理专业为主体,并逐步形成辐射旅游类相关专业群的省(市)级骨干示范校。   自1983年开办职业教育以来,海旅职校在改革中崛起,在开放中拼搏,在竞争发展,逐步形成了具有浓郁的校园旅游文化和鲜明的办学特色的中等职业技术学校。   经过多年的探索与实践,学校先后被命名为“北京市精神文明单位”,海淀区“全面发展,质量优秀”校和海淀教改试验区“教育现代化工程试点校”。   开设专业:饭店服务与管理 旅游服务与管理 商务英语   Haidian Tourism Service Vocation School of Beijing is a school of all-round development and high quality。 It is an experimental school of Modern Education Project in Haidian District, which is carrying out educational reformation 。 Moreover, it is honored Advanced Cultural and Moral School 。The school majors in tourism service and management 。 In recent years , more and more courses related to tourism are being designed in the school 。Now it has become a model vocational School in Beijing 。 With hard work of many years since 1983。 It has established a successful vocational education system which confirms to the condition of the school and marker-oriented economy。


